Princeton Presbyterians is the ministry of Westminster Foundation, a non-profit organization committed to the faithful discipleship of undergraduate and graduate students in Princeton.



Princeton Presbyterians welcomes all students into our beloved community to worship God in joy and hope and equip a new generation of Christian servant leaders.



Hospitality—Because Christ welcomes all to the Lord’s Table, we welcome students from all walks of life.  We celebrate people of all genders, sexualities, nationalities, ethnicities, and abilities as beloved children of God.

Social Justice—Because Scripture calls us to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God,”* we commit ourselves to the flourishing of all people and the restoration of creation through acts of service, public witness, and advocacy. 

*Micah 6:8

Beloved Learning Community—Because God has made us members of Christ’s Body, we cultivate our hearts and minds through worship together and the study of Scripture. We equip a new generation of Christian servant-leaders with “energy, imagination, intelligence, and love."*

*Directory of Worship, W–4.0404h, Book of Order 2017–2019: The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part II (The Office of the General Assembly).

Joy & Hope—Because the Spirit gives us courage in a broken and fearful world,* we persevere in the truth that God’s Word is Good News for us and for the world. We proclaim in our words and actions that human value is not measured by performance or productivity, but in the steadfast love of the God who made us.

*A Brief Statement of Faith, 10.4, lines 65-66, The Book of Confessions: The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Part I (The Office of the General Assembly).

Reformed—Because we are rooted in the Presbyterian Tradition, we cherish connections with the wider church in local congregations, the Presbytery of New Brunswick, the Synod of the Northeast, and the General Assembly of the PC(USA). Grounded in grace, we anticipate the ongoing movement of the Spirit in every season and respond with gratitude and continued reformation.





Princeton Presbyterians is a community of welcome for people of all sexual orientations, gender identities, races, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and cultures.

Princeton Presbyterians particularly welcomes the participation of Princeton University undergraduate and graduate students, Westminster Choir College students, and Princeton Theological Seminary students. If you are an undergraduate or graduate student in the Princeton area, we invite you to engage in the Princeton Presbyterians community as well.


Campus Ministry Affiliations

Ministry is inherently a connectional undertaking, particularly in the Presbyterian tradition. We are grateful for our national networks!


More Light Presbyterians


Partner Congregations & Denominational Bodies

Princeton Presbyterians & UKirk Ewing, with the oversight of the Westminster Foundation Board, is made possible by the support of partner communities. We are so thankful for their investment in the faith formation of students in Princeton and Ewing, and we want to make sure you know who is involved.

Ewing Covenant Presbyterian Church

Nassau Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville

West Trenton Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church

Witherspoon Street Presbyterian Church

Synod of the Northeast

Presbytery of the Coastlands