A Year of Gratitude with Princeton Presbys!

There have been so many reasons to celebrate God’s faithfulness to Princeton Presbyterians. Support from alumni and friends of “Presbys” makes these stories possible, and we hope you enjoy learning about what we’ve been up to in the 2023-24 academic year.

Last June, Andrew and Len traveled with six undergraduate and graduate pilgrims to the Taizé Community in France. Taizé is an ecumenical monastic community that welcomes young people from all over the world for a week of worship, work, and reconciliation. In October, we welcomed Brother Emile of Taizé to Princeton during his visit to the United States and Canada. He partnered with us in organizing a prayer service for peace in the Middle East. Nearly 200 Princeton neighbors, fellow students, and members of Nassau Presbyterian Church joined us for a beautiful student-led worship service.

This spring, our undergrads filled a big shorehouse in Asbury Park for a weekend retreat. We danced to Britney Spears in the kitchen during taco night and enjoyed morning worship on the beach. A grant from the Presbytery of the Coastlands enabled us to expand our monthly fellowship meals after Breaking Bread to weekly dinners, which has been a highlight for students. Our Easter Feast welcomed forty-eight students to worship and dinner!

During a tense season on college campuses, we are proud of how our students have sought to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” (Micah 6:8). Our undergraduate leaders have worked with classmates from the Alliance of Jewish Progressives, the Muslim Students Association, and the Rose Castle Society to foster dialogue, hold vigils on campus, and share in interfaith meals.

As we bless and send our graduating students, we hope to see you at Reunions! We’re hosting an Open House Brunch at Nassau Presbyterian Church from 9:30am-12pm on Saturday, May 25. Join us as we welcome alums and celebrate our graduates! If you’d like to help us equip these young people as Christian servant leaders in Princeton and beyond, consider giving to our “$2024 for the Great Class of 2024” spring campaign! Any amount—$20.24, $202.40, or $2024—is much appreciated. You can give through our online portal or write a check to “The Westminster Foundation” at 61 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ 08542.


Andrew and Len Scales