Reunions 2024 and the "$2024 for 2024" campaign!

If you’re in Princeton for Reunions, we hope you’ll come and see us! We’re hosting an Open House Brunch at Nassau Presbyterian Church from 9:30am-12pm on Saturday, May 25. Join us as we welcome alums and celebrate our graduates!

Our labyrinth will be set up in Niles Chapel at Nassau from 9-4pm on Thursday and Friday, and from 9am-1pm on Saturday as a contemplative space amid the bustling fun of Reunions.

If you’d like to join us in the work of equipping young Christian servant leaders to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God” in Princeton and beyond, consider giving to our “$2024 for the Great Class of 2024” spring campaign! Any amount—$20.24, $202.40, or $2024—is much appreciated. You can give through our online portal or write a check to “The Westminster Foundation” at 61 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ 08542.